5 Reasons I Refuse to Buy My Kids Smart Phones
My kids are in elementary school and they are already asking for smart phones. A few years ago I would have thought they were crazy – no one gives their school-aged kids smart phones! Boy was I wrong. Apparently it is quite common for kids to have their own phone, as evidenced by the amount of students on their school bus with one! Every family is different, and has to decide what works best for them. Many families have great reasons for giving their kids smart phones. For our family, my husband and I have decided not to allow our kids to have smart phones until they are at least…
Convince Your Kids They Don’t Need a Smart Phone
Raise your hand if you’ve ever had to go back home because you forgot your smart phone and you can’t make it through the day without it? What about if you’ve ever scrolled through Facebook or Instagram and looked up to discover 30 minutes (or more!) had gone by? And how about if the first thing you do in the morning (maybe even before your coffee!) is grab your phone? I have three hands in the air over here! Our lives as adults are completely and totally intertwined with our smart phones. We talk, text, keep track of our appointments, take pictures, and even pay with our phones. On top…