• first day of school printable

    First Day of School Sign – Free Printable!

    It’s that time again! Summer is ending, and it’s time to start preparing for the first day of school. I am always surprised when the start of the school year rolls around. Didn’t summer start a few days ago? There’s no way we are already doing this again! One of my favorite back to school traditions is taking a picture of each kid on the first day. And while I might tear up a little bit thinking about how quickly my kids are growing, I love looking back over all of our first day of school pictures. They love it too! While I would like to believe that I will…

  • girl cooking dinner as part of chore system

    How to Create a Chore System that Actually Works!

    If the goal of parenting is to raise self-sufficient, independent humans who will one day grow up and live on their own, then when that day comes I want my kids to know how to cook something other than Ramen noodles, keep their home relatively clean, and have an idea of how to take care of another living being. To accomplish this, I developed a chore system that actually works to teach them these skills.   Our chore system has two parts – Weekly Jobs and Weekend Chore Roulette. Here’s how it works:  Weekly Jobs Every week my kids have one job that they are responsible for over the entire week.…

  • Stop the Nagging With This (Free!) Summer Screen Time Checklist

    Ahh, summer. The time of year where life slows down a little bit and your kids are free to play and be kids. Except all they want to do is play on their screens! I am totally fine with my kids enjoying screen time. It gives me a break, and it allows them time to relax. What I am not fine with is the incessant nagging about when they can have screens, or the way they can turn into monsters when the screens go off! A few summers ago I created a Summer Screen Time Checklist. It has been a wonderful addition to our summer routine! It sets up my…