Stop the Nagging With This (Free!) Summer Screen Time Checklist

Ahh, summer. The time of year where life slows down a little bit and your kids are free to play and be kids. Except all they want to do is play on their screens!

I am totally fine with my kids enjoying screen time. It gives me a break, and it allows them time to relax. What I am not fine with is the incessant nagging about when they can have screens, or the way they can turn into monsters when the screens go off!

A few summers ago I created a Summer Screen Time Checklist. It has been a wonderful addition to our summer routine! It sets up my daily expectations (which eliminates the nagging) and also adds some variety to the day so my kids don’t turn into screen zombies.

Each kid gets a Screen Time Checklist laminated and taped to their door. They are responsible for checking items off as they complete them, and then I verify before they can have screen time.  At the end of the week we wipe it off and start again! (Tip: tie a dry erase marker to their doorknobs)

screen time checklist filled in

I like to include some physical activity and brain stimulation, as well my kids’ chores and daily responsibilities. (Click to find out more about our Daily Job Wheel and the Chore System that Works.) Be creative, and choose things that work for you and your family! If you laminate your screen time checklist, it makes it easy to adjust the list items as you move through the rest of the month.

If you’re not sure where to start, here are some checklist item ideas:

  • Play outside
  • Read 30 minutes
  • Math fact practice
  • Feed animals
  • Clean room
  • Pick up toys
  • Write, draw or color
  • Play a game
  • Hug mommy
  • Bible time
  • Daily chore

If you want to stop the screen time nagging in your house, click the link below to download the Freebie! Then just print, laminate, and fill out your list. Enjoy!

Grab your free Summer Screen Time Checklist Here!
