Turn Your Reading Into Action in 4 Easy Steps

Every year I make a New Year’s reading list filled with life-changing books about all kinds of topics. Each time I finish a book, I close it filled with inspiration to try everything the author suggested, and motivated to make big changes. I can see the vision of where I want to be, but I quickly realize that I’m not entirely sure how to get there, and I feel overwhelmed by where to start. I want to take big gulps out of the fire hose, but in reality I need a sprinkler. 

Last year, everything changed. I developed a simple process that helped me turn the things I read into actionable steps that shaped and changed my family for the better. 

Follow These Four Simple Steps to Turn Your Reading Into Action  

1. Highlight Important Points 

While you’re reading, take time to highlight important points that the author makes. I encourage you to use your highlighter sparingly here. If the whole page is yellow, then you’re not focusing on what truly stands out to you. 

I’m guessing that you might do this step already. But I’m also guessing that’s where you stop. You spend time highlighting and taking notes, and then in a few weeks they are all a distant memory. That’s where step two comes in.

2. Record High-Impact Highlights 

Once you finish the book, it’s time to revisit your highlights. Hopefully you followed my advice and didn’t highlight everything, or this step may take a while! Go back through the book, re-reading only what you highlighted. If the highlighted part still resonates with you, and is something you want to implement or remember, write it down word-for-word in a journal. 

I recommend hand-writing this section over typing, because it will help you remember these points better. It will also encourage you to edit your thoughts and narrow down the focus of what you want to take away from the book. When your hand is cramping, you will think twice about how important something is! 

3. Identify Three Big Take-Aways

Now that you have written down your impact points, it’s time to narrow the focus again. Re-read what you wrote and pick out three overall ideas that you really want to take away from this book. Try to choose things that capture the heart of what resonated with you, and the changes you want to implement. You can either highlight the ideas right in your journal, or write them in your own words.

4. Dive In with Practical Action Steps 

This step is the key to turning your reading into action. Look at your big take-aways and brainstorm some things you can do THIS WEEK to walk toward those ideas. Choose 3-5 things that are small, manageable, and practical for your family. When you are able to take steps right away, it will launch you in the direction of the positive changes you want to make and turn what you read into action.

author's journal page showing the four step process to turn your reading into action
One of my journal pages following the 4 steps

Check out my Books Worth Reading that have impacted me as a woman, mom, and wife.

Every family needs a mission statement. Read How to Create the Perfect Family Mission Statement
