christmas pajamas

‘Twas Mom’s Month Before Christmas

‘Twas the month before Christmas, when all through the stores

Mom is out shopping for her girls and boys

The sale ads are gathered among her toy stash, 

In hopes that she’ll save a good bit of cash


The children have countdowns to their favorite day

With fun advent calendars all on display

Mom fills them with family fun to enjoy

And maybe even a small trinket or toy


At the end of the day, mom sits down for a bit

Then leaps from her seat when she realizes it – 

The Elf on the Shelf! It can’t stay in that spot! 

So mom scours Pinterest for the next elfish stunt

christmas elves

Now back to the couch to gaze at tree lights

Ignoring the mess from her little delights

When what to her wondering eyes should appear,

But a lost note from school, her son needs pretzel reindeer!


With great multitasking and a bag of mom tricks

Mom knows in a moment how to do a quick fix

More rapid than eagles mom whips up the snacks

Then carefully searches the remaining backpacks


More parties! More programs! More celebrations! 

And wrapping! And gifts! And mom exhaustion! 

I’m giving it up! I can’t do it all! 

Now go away! Go away! Go away all! 


But like the small ant that is mighty and strong,

When mom meets with an obstacle, she’ll rise to the call.

She takes a deep breath, stands up nice and straight,

Grabs a glass of wine and some chocolate (just in case)


And then in a twinkling she remembers the reason

She does these crazy things in the Christmas season

Her sweet little babies, all fast asleep

Mom sneaks in their bedrooms to take a quick peek


They are dressed in cute pjs from their heads to their feet

And their faces are peaceful and happy in sleep

A blanket is tucked up under their chin,

And they look like angels and cherubim

christmas pajamas

Mom’s eyes start to twinkle, her smile how merry!

She remembers the fun that this season can carry

She heads back to her room with a newfound joy

And looks forward to wrapping yet more toys


She sits on the floor with the gifts at her feet

And the paper encircles the space like a wreath

Mom wraps up each gift and adds a small bow

Looking forward to watching her kids’ faces glow


On Christmas Eve night, Mom tucks in her elves

And they just cannot sleep in spite of themselves!

With one last drink of water, one more goodnight kiss

Mom tells them goodnight and the real fun begins


Mom speaks not a word but goes straight to her work

She fills all the stockings, and drinks Santa’s milk

And checking once more that the kids are in bed,

She brings out the gifts wrapped in green in red


Then Christmas morning finally arrives

With the kids wide awake at a quarter to five

As she hears them exclaim, and enjoys their sweet smiles, 

She knows that her hard work was all worthwhile!

Moms have a lot to do during the Christmas season. Keep the busyness in check with these 4 Simple Ways to Fight Holiday Busyness and Burnout
