• first day of school printable

    First Day of School Sign – Free Printable!

    It’s that time again! Summer is ending, and it’s time to start preparing for the first day of school. I am always surprised when the start of the school year rolls around. Didn’t summer start a few days ago? There’s no way we are already doing this again! One of my favorite back to school traditions is taking a picture of each kid on the first day. And while I might tear up a little bit thinking about how quickly my kids are growing, I love looking back over all of our first day of school pictures. They love it too! While I would like to believe that I will…

  • four kids, 2 through adoption

    8 Things You Should Never Ask Adoptive Parents

    Remember that Friends episode where Rachel tells Joey that her boss wants to buy her baby? Everyone is completely flabbergasted that someone would be so insensitive and ridiculous. No one actually asks if they can buy your baby! Right?! Well, as a mom of four kids with two adopted from China, I must say that I have been asked some equally ridiculous questions about adoption. When my kids were younger, it didn’t matter if people asked questions. They were too little to understand or care what I was talking about. But now that they are older, unsolicited questions that highlight their differences or make them feel like they are not…